Friday, February 17, 2012

What the Fluff? Pt. 1

So as I type this I am packing for a weekend in LAS VEGAS with my family.  I'm pretty excited but a little sad I won't be able to post for a while.  I did this drawing about the same time(and on the same paper) that I did the Oy! Soldier drawing on.  Until recently I didn't really have anything to do with it, but I have been watching Adventure Time recently and thought it looked A LOT like the two main characters.  So I colored them up in PS with similar colors and threw on a background.  It was about a 1 hour color job as I didn't get too COMPLEX...

Anyways I will be in VEGAS all weekend and back Sunday night, hopefully with some MONEY and most likely with pt. 2 for Monday morning. 

Thursday, February 16, 2012


When I was about 8 or 9 years old, I took part in what is commonly referred to as a SNIPE HUNT.  Anyone who has ever been on a snipe hunt is already laughing.  If you have no CLUE what I'm talking about are free to look here.  If I remember right I was told that a SNIPE was a small animal that looked like a HEDGEHOG but had large CLAWS and a long BEAK.  I was told that the only way to catch one without getting pricked was to fill a bucket with water HALF FULL and that to catch the SNIPE I would have to put the bucket on the animal without spilling any of the water.  Needless to say this NEVER happened.  After about 30 minutes I gave up and later on the rest of us newcomers one-by-one returned disappointed and with no sign of any snipe.

A few years later I got to send a few newcomers at summer camp on a SNIPE HUNT but thought I would appeal to the more intelligent of the bunch by telling them that first they had to get a bucket of DEHYDRATED WATER(doesn't exist) to catch the animal.  Shortly after the young campers left they all came back realizing there was no such thing.

All of this story has NOTHING to do with this drawing.  However, while I was in class I somehow started remembering this story and began doodling an idea for a child super hero.  Basically the IDEA was that a little 8 or 9 year old kid with a pair of footy pajamas and a great imagination creates all these rediculous missions for himself which end up getting him in lots of trouble in the real world; only to ultimately save the day in the real world and more importantly, in his IMAGINATION.  He is...THE SNIPE!

I toyed with this idea pretty much the entire class period and got these...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I doodled up this little guy a little while back and colored it with PRISMAS.  I thought it looked kind of cool and was very FUN and LOOSE.  I like squirrels and they always have seemed like they could be some sort of animal underworld MOB which would be way cool.  These are the thoughts I have during lectures...

Hope you LIKE.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Ugly Little Spud

Was watching Ghostbusters and drew my own rendition of SLIMER.  Ghostbusters is probably one of MY favorite movies and similar to every other NERD, I LOVE Bill Murray. Later on I threw some color onto this guy in prismas and did some editing on PS.  I think he's pretty rad, and he makes me SMILE every time I look at it.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Shoes Dude

So I drew up and painted these shoes a while back for a digital painting class.  I gave myself a couple different takes on the same CHUCKS where I played with some different BRUSHES.  Nothing else good really came out of that class.  There were some fairy tale things that we did but I can't draw BEARS which is a total shame.  Either way I think the shoes are cool.  I kinda like them, and I guess that's what really matters.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Nice Neat Little Boxes

Most of the time when I doodle, I have no idea where I want to go with the basic idea I started with.  For that reason notebook paper seems to be my FAVORITE.  I used to sketch in a sketchbook, as well as a blackbook, moleskin, and other trendy little sketchbooks, HOWEVER, I realized that those books kind of killed their purpose to me as I found myself trying to make everything in them perfect.  I realized I was thinking out every line and detail, where with my notebooks I would just doodle around while I was bored.  While taking the little blue lines out of the drawings is a real PAIN, those same little blue lines allow me to RELAX while kicking back and exploring an idea. 

So here are some little monster things I doodled up and colored with a highlighter pen, I put them in nice neat little boxes and decided I was done with them. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 09, 2012

Class Doodle

I drew this little guy in class a while back, just kind of something I did while I was BORED and didn't feel like paying attention in class.  No real future for this character but I really like his little speech bubble, and it entertained me for the rest of class while I tried to turn my attention back to the professor.